The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The people that know me understand that I have a slight obsession with this book, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I always carry it with me. I treat it like my child, and I hate lending it to anyone. I don’t know what hooked me, but at the beginning of my freshman year I saw the book at Barnes and Noble and begged my mom for it because on the cover was Emma Watson, and I had a previous obsession in Harry Potter. My momĀ  eventually caved and I read the book in about two hours. I felt like Charlie was personally writing to me. I loved the characters. I loved Patrick, and his funny personality. I loved Sam, and how insecure she was. I loved how Charlie wanted to be a writer, just like myself. I loved the book, and still do. I have read it close to ten times. Everything that was put into that book was so well thought of and Charlies struggles feel real to me and I just wanted him to get better throughout the book even though I knew it was just a fictional story.

I think I may love this book so much because I long for friends like this. I really would love a friend to discuss books with all the time, like Charlie and Mr. Anderson. I want to have intellectual conversations about love and friendship. I want to have friends that hang out and love you unconditionally. An experience of falling in love like Sam and Charlie would be magical. Just the fight everyone in this story go through makes me want to move far far away from where I am and go back in time. Go back and time when thinks were simpler and writing on a typewriter was the way things were. I want to be a Wallflower, because being noticed isn’t as satisfying and having those friends and just observing.

Let’s go be psychos together.