Making it Okay

I was scared. All I wanted was for this teenager to love me back, but he didn’t. I was used and humiliated and all the friends I had made while dating him no longer wanted to be my friend. I just passed day by day motionless being sad and depressed. I know it was silly for a girl so young to be heart broken, but that’s what I was. Then I met a friend. He and I had hated each other for some silly reasons that neither of us even remember. He and I got along because we both mutually disliked a certain person in our English class. We were civil to her, but the entire class got annoyed by her long and tedious rants. When she would rant this guy and I would exchange this look that meant we would rather die than having to listen to her. He knew that since the break up I hadn’t been the same and he became, well… my best friend. He dates a very close friend of mine and they are probably the cutest couple on the planet. When they would have their hard time he would talk to me and I would try to help him out, sometimes it would help, others it wouldn’t. He and I talked about our problems and it was finally nice to have a friend that understood that I was upset and needed somebody to confide in. The next year he and I were still pretty good friends. We had a group six really close friends that hung out quite often and all understood each other. He got me through a very rough time in my life, and I honestly don’t know if I would still be here today if it wasn’t for him and those other few friends. When this guy reads this I hope that he will realize that he being my friend saved me. He talking to me about random movies and careers kept me out of a depression. I am now better and feeling great. I want to wish him the best and thank him and my friends for helping me and making me feel part of something again.